(اعجاز آية-3 (موت الجبال

منذ 1 سنة 309

اعجاز آيات الجبال ونمو وموت الجبال .. فعلا سبحان الله مصادر الحلقة "The Roots of Mountains: On the Discovery of the Andesite Line," by David R. Oldroyd (Isis, Vol. 68, No. 3, Sep., 1977, pp. 345-354): This article provides a detailed historical account of the discovery of the Andesite Line and the subsequent development of the idea of mountain roots. "The Discovery of Isostasy: A Centennial Review," by Robert S. Yeats (Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 101, No. 10, Oct., 1989, pp. 1231-1241): This article discusses the history of isostasy and its connection to the discovery of mountain roots, including Bouguer's measurements in the Andes. "The Roots of Mountains: Bouguer, Gravity, and the Andes," by J.L. Heilbron (University of California Press, 1987): This book provides a detailed historical account of the discovery of the Andesite Line and the subsequent development of the theory of isostasy. "Mountain Roots and Isostasy: A Historical Perspective," by John H. Masek (Journal of Geology, Vol. 101, No. 3, May, 1993, pp. 355-365): This article provides an overview of the historical development of the idea of mountain roots and their connection to isostasy, including Bouguer's measurements in the Andes.